MapLink™ Procedures | Floodplain District

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Floodplain District
Use regulations.
A. The following uses may be allowed by special permit, subject to the requirements of § 390-16.4: Planning Board review and action.:
(1) Municipal, county, or state parks;
(2) Forestry management;
(3) Wells or other structures necessary for proper functioning of the municipal or private water supplies;
(4) Public utilities;
(5) Improvement or repair of any structure, in existence at the time of adoption of this article of the bylaws, which is in excess of 50% of the market value of the structure; said market value to be determined by the Board of Assessors;
(6) In case of fire, natural catastrophe, or total rehabilitation to structures existing in the Floodplain District prior to the adoption of these provisions, said structure may be rebuilt to the original size;
(7) Construction and maintenance of dams and other water control devices; 
(8) Roadways, driveways and walkways ancillary to uses otherwise permitted in this section.

Planning Board review and action.
The Planning Board may issue a special permit for the uses described in § 390-16.3D. In the Floodplain District, no structure or building shall be erected, constructed, substantially improved, or otherwise created or moved, and no earth or other materials may be dumped, filled, excavated, or transferred, unless a special permit is granted by the Planning Board. Said Board may issue a special permit hereunder (subject to the other applicable provisions of this bylaw) only if the application complies with the following provisions:
A. The proposed use shall comply in all respects with the provisions of the underlying zoning district; and shall be reviewed by the Conservation Commission, Board of Health and Building Inspector. Within 10 days of the receipt of the application, the Planning Board shall transmit one copy of the development plan to each of the abovenamed boards. The Planning Board shall take no final action until reports have been received from the above boards or until 35 days have elapsed;
B. In Zone AE, along watercourses within the Town of Wrentham that have a regulatory floodway designated on the Norfolk County FIRM, encroachments, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements to existing structures, and other development in the floodway, are prohibited unless certification by a registered professional engineer is provided by the applicant, demonstrating that such encroachment shall not result in any increase in flood levels during the occurrence of the one-hundred-year flood; and
C. The Planning Board may specify such additional requirements and conditions it finds necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public and the occupants of the proposed use.

See Article XVI: Floodplain District for more detailed information.