MapLink™ Procedures | Signs

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On-premises signs permitted in Residential Districts (R-30, R-43 and R-87).
A. Site plan approvalWherever site plan approval is required, it will include review and approval of sign; location, type, size,  use and illumination plus any other criteria deemed appropriate by the approving authority.
NOTE: Signs of a permanent nature placed on Town-owned land may require a public hearing in accordance with the provisions contained in the Town bylaws.

On-premises signs permitted in Business (B-1 and B-2) and Commercial (C-1 and C-2) Districts.
A. Site plan approval. Wherever site plan approval is required, it will include review and approval of signs; location, type, size, use and illumination. The Planning Board shall have the authority to vary the terms of this Article XVIII: Sign Regulations in connection with the granting of any site plan approval upon finding that such variance shall not be detrimental to the intent of § 390-18.1: Purpose and intent..

Off-premises signs.
A. A sign denoting the name of a way may be placed at the intersection of a public way and a private way and/or at the  intersection of two nonposted private ways.
B. Signs are permitted at the intersections of public ways which service commercial areas, lawfully nonconforming businesses in residential areas, or Town community facilities.
(1) If the sign is to be located on a public way or on private property within public view of any highway, public park or reservation, a permit from the state shall be obtained by the applicant as required by MGL c. 93, § 29 before application is formally made to the Sign Inspector. A copy of said permit shall form part of the application.
(2) If the sign is to be placed upon private property, written authorization therefor shall be obtained from the owner before application is formally made to the Sign Inspector. Said authorization shall form part of the application.
(3) The location of all signs shall be selected by the Sign Inspector with the advice of Town highway safety experts (DPW and Police/Fire Departments) to assure traffic safety. No signs shall be placed on any public land without the prior consent of the governmental unit charged with responsibility for the use, care and responsibility for that land. Said authorization shall form part of the application.

Regulations for specific types of signs.
A. Changeable-copy signs. When necessary to inform the public of changing events, activities, dates, times, and other  matters of important interest; the Sign Inspector may issue a permit for a changeable-copy sign not to exceed eight square feet in area for a period of up to 14 days. No person(s) and/or group shall receive an additional permit prior to 30 days after the last permit granted to said person(s) and/or group. Permits may be granted without a waiting period to different users of a sign with common ownership; e.g., rental firm. Signs must be legible and in good repair at all times. Signs
may be located either on-premises or off-premises.
B. Inflatable sign. Permits for inflatable signs shall issue subject to the same regulations as for changeable-copy signs (Subsection A), except that total surface area cannot exceed 32 square feet and must be on-premises. The applicant shall state the size (dimensions) of the sign as follows: total surface area, maximum height of principal structure and length of any supports/tethers and, if the sign is to be flown above the ground, the height at which it is to be elevated, in the unit of measure specified.
C. Temporary signs. Temporary signs cannot be used for more than 90 days (except subdivision lot plan signs, which shall be removed within 30 days from the date of the last lot being sold), but temporary signs are permitted in all zones; some may require a permit from the Sign Inspector. The sign shall be removed at the end of the period unless a renewal application has been approved. The Sign Inspector shall ensure that signs shall be legible.

Administration and enforcement; violations and penalties; removal.
A. Enforcement, permits, and penalty.
(1) Permits and certificates of appropriateness. All signs regulated by this article require a sign permit issued by the Sign Inspector, with the exception of §§ 390-18.3A, 390-18.4A, G, H, 390-18.8C, E(1) and E(3). All signs which require a sign permit shall be marked with an identification sticker supplied by the Sign Inspector. All signs which require a sign permit and lie within an accepted and defined historical district or exterior architectural control district must first obtain
a certificate of appropriateness and/or approval from any commission or board having design or appearance jurisdiction over the district. A sign without a permit is illegal.
(2) Fees. Fees for sign permits shall be set by the Board of Selectmen as required and may be based on use, size, type or any other criteria it deems appropriate.
B. Signs not complying with this article.
(1) Signs without a valid permit shall be removed within 60 days of passage of this article.
(2) Signs with valid permits.
(a) A sign with a valid permit issued prior to enactment of this article must remain in compliance with the requirements and conditions that enabled the valid permit to be originally issued. 
(b) Where a sign identifying a business has approved subsidiary signs, the subsidiary signs may be replaced, provided they remain in compliance with the requirements and conditions that enabled the valid permit to be originally issued.
(c) Failure of compliance will result in automatic revocation of the prior issued valid permit and require compliance with this article for the issuance of a current valid permit.
(d) Upon termination of any business or use which has employed a sign, that sign shall be removed. Any subsequent use shall use signs that are in compliance with this article.
C. Appeals. Any individual aggrieved by a decision of the Sign Inspector may appeal to the Wrentham Zoning Board of  Appeals as provided under MGL c. 40A.
D. As part of any site plan approval application for a project in a Business or Commercial Zone, the Planning Board shall have the authority to waive strict compliance with the terms and provisions of Article XVIII, provided such waiver will not be detrimental to the intent of § 390-18.1: Purpose and intent.; provided, further, that the Planning Board shall have no authority to grant by waiver an off-premises sign located in any Residential District in Town.

See Article XVIII: Sign Regulations for more detailed information.