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R-30 Residential District (R-30) 
R-43 Residential District (R-43) 
R-87 Agricultural and Residential District 
B-1 Retail Business District 1 
B-2 Retail Business District 2 
C-1N Route 1 North District 
C-1S Route 1 South District 
C-1 Commercial-Industrial District 1 
C-2 Commercial-Industrial District 2 
C-3 Commercial-Industrial District 3 
CRSP Conservation, Recreation, School and Park District 
CRSP-R1 Route 1 - Conservation, Recreation, School and Park District 
Mixed Use
VZ-A Village Zone A 
VZ-B Village Zone B 
VZ-A Village Zone A Clear

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Aquifer Protection District
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The purpose of this Aquifer Protection District is:
A. To promote public health, safety and general welfare;
B. To protect, preserve and maintain existing and potential groundwater supplies and groundwater recharge areas;
C. To preserve and protect existing and potential sources of drinking water supply;
D. To conserve natural resources;
E. To prevent blight and pollution of the environment.
Scope of authority.
The Aquifer Protection District is an overlay district and shall be superimposed on other districts established by the Zoning Bylaws of the Town of Wrentham. This overlay district shall apply to all new construction; reconstruction or expansion of existing buildings; and new or expanded uses. Activities or uses that lie within the Aquifer Protection District must comply with the requirements of the district as well as with the underlying zoning. Uses that are prohibited in the underlying zoning districts shall not be permitted in the Aquifer Protection District.

For more information on Nonconforming Uses, District Deliniation, Use Regualtions, and Procedures for the Issuance of a Special Permit, see Aquifer Protection District on the Procedures page. 
For more information, see Article XV: Aquifer Protection District.
DEP Approved Wellhead Protection Areas (Zone II)
The purposes of this district (in addition to those enumerated elsewhere in this Zoning Bylaw) are:
A. To provide that lands in the Town of Wrentham subject to seasonal or periodic flooding as described hereinafter shall not be used for residence or other purposes in such a manner as to endanger the health, safety, or welfare of the occupants thereof, or of the public generally, or so as to burden the public with costs resulting from unwise individual choices of land use.
B. To protect, preserve and maintain the water table and water recharge areas within the Town so as to preserve present and potential water supplies for the public health and safety of the Town.
C. To assure the continuation of the natural flow pattern of the watercourses within the Town, in order to provide adequate and safe floodwater storage capacity to protect persons and property against the hazards of flood inundation.
District delineation.
A. The Floodplain District delineations are established by elevations of area subject to inundation by one-hundred-year frequency floods, as delineated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
B.The Floodplain District is herein established as an overlay district. The district includes all special flood hazard areas within the Town of Wrentham designated as Zone A and AE on the Norfolk County Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the administration of the National Flood Insurance Program. The map panels of the Norfolk County FIRM that are wholly or partially within the Town of Wrentham are panel numbers 25021C0312E, 25021C0314E, 25021C0316E, 25021C0317E, 25021C0318E, 25021C0319E, 25021C0323C, 25021C0324E, 25021C0333E, 25021C0336E, 25021C0337E, 25021C0338E, 25021C0339E, and 25021C0341E, dated July 17, 2012. The exact boundaries of the district may be defined by the one-hundred-year base flood elevations shown on the FIRM and further defined by the Norfolk County Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report dated July 17, 2012. The FIRM and FIS report are incorporated herein by reference and are on file with the Town Clerk, Planning Board/Conservation Commission and Building Inspector. The Floodplain District also includes all that land along any named or unnamed water body or watercourse for a horizontal distance of 50 feet from the permanent or seasonal banks thereof, except as otherwise defined on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps.
C. Within Zone A, where the one-hundred-year flood elevation is not provided on the FIRM, the developer/applicant shall obtain any existing flood elevation data and it shall be reviewed by the Building Inspector.
For more information see Floodplain District on the Procedures Page and Article XVI: Floodplain District.
Medical MJ & Adult Entertainment SU District
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§ 390-20.1. Authority.
This bylaw is enacted pursuant to MGL Chapter 40A and pursuant to the Town's authority under the Home Rule Amendment to the Massachusetts Constitution. It serves the compelling Town interests of limiting the location of certain adult entertainment uses, as defined and designated herein, in response to studies demonstrating their deleterious secondary effects.

§ 390-20.2. Purpose and scope.
A. It is the purpose of this bylaw to address and mitigate the secondary effects of adult entertainment establishments and sexually oriented businesses that are referenced and defined herein. Secondary effects have been shown to include increased crime, adverse impacts on public health, adverse impacts on the business climate of the Town, adverse impacts on the property values of residential and commercial properties and adverse impacts on the quality of life in the Town. All of said secondary impacts are adverse to the health, safety and general welfare of the Town of Wrentham and its inhabitants.
B. The provisions of this article have neither the purpose nor intent of imposing a limitation on the content of any communicative matter or materials, including sexually oriented matter or materials. Similarly, it is not the purpose or intent of this provision to restrict or deny access by adults to adult entertainment establishments or to sexually oriented matter or materials that are protected by the Constitution of the United States or of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, nor to restrict or deny rights that distributors or exhibitors of such matter or materials may have to sell, rent, distribute or exhibit such matter or materials. Neither is it the purpose or intent of this article to legalize the sale, rental, distribution or exhibition of obscene or other illegal matter or materials.
§ 390-20.4. Establishment of district; permitted uses.
The Special Use District (SU) is herein established as an overlay district and shall be superimposed on other districts established by this bylaw and as so depicted on the "Zoning Map of Wrentham, Massachusetts", as amended. The uses herein authorized in the Special Use District shall be in addition to those permitted within the underlying zoning district. Adult entertainment uses are allowed in the Special Use District. Adult entertainment uses shall be prohibited elsewhere within the Town.

For more information, see Article XX: Special Use District.
Watershed Protection District
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Purpose; scope.
A. The Town of Wrentham is a watershed area. The freshwater and aquifer resources of the Town must be protected and safeguarded from uses which may cause flooding, pollution, or excessive demand or which may limit the recharging of aquifers.
Therefore, the Town has established a Watershed Protection District, W. which overlies all other zoning districts. This district includes the wetland areas which have been mapped and indexed by the Department of Environmental Management, Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, Commonwealth of Massachusetts (December 1977), or as amended. Compliance with orders and regulations of the Department of Environmental Management, the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering, or the Conservation Commission of the Town of Wrentham does not relieve any person from compliance with this article.
B. The district includes the following lands and waters:
(1) All lakes, ponds, streams, brooks, rills, marshes, swamps, bogs, aquifers, and other natural water bodies or watercourses within the Town of Wrentham, as shown on the Department of Environmental Management maps and index (1977) or the Wetland Protection Map of the Town of Wrentham; and
(2) All land within a 100-foot horizontal distance from the average annual high water mark of the water bodies and watercourses listed in Subsection B(1).
Permitted uses.
The following uses are permitted within the Watershed Protection District, provided that these do not violate the use regulations of these Zoning Bylaws; ordinances, bylaws, or regulations of the Town of Wrentham; or laws or regulations of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts:
A. Conservation of lakes, ponds, streams, brooks, rills, marshes, swamps, bogs, other natural water bodies or watercourses, land soil, trees, shrubs, plants, water supply, and wildlife; and
B. Outdoor recreation which is not harmful to the physical environment and which is lawfully permitted; and
C. Proper operation and maintenance of existing dams, flashboards, and other water control, supply, and conservation devices; and
D. Grazing, farming, gardening, nursery, conservation forestry, and harvesting; and
E. Use of land within the Watershed Protection District to meet area and yard regulations for the zoning district in which the lot is situated, provided that no less than 30,000 square feet of lot area is outside the Watershed Protection District in all except the R-30 District, where no less than 22,500 square feet of lot area is outside the Watershed Protection District.

Special permits.
A. A special permit to use land and waters in a manner which is not permitted in § 390-5.2 may be sought by application to the Planning Board. The Planning Board may require the applicant to submit a site plan and environmental assessment so that it may give reasoned consideration to the application. The site plan and environmental assessment shall meet the requirements of Articles VII and VIII.
B. The Planning Board shall grant a special permit for the proposed use if it finds that the use and any program of mitigation will not degrade the watershed area. The Planning Board may condition its approval in any reasonable fashion to assure compliance with the purposes of this article.

For more information, see Article V: Watershed Protection District.
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